Loaded Bases


How are you? Not the generic answer, the truth. How are you feeling, how are your spirits? Have you prayed today?

We have 4 months left in 2021, it’s almost the final quarter of the year. Let that sink in. Is your quality of life where you want it to be? When you dream what do you see? Are you on the path for that? Today I woke up on one. I realized I have been considering all my relationship more than the one I have with myself. We all know self-awareness is vital but how are we applying this knowledge? To show up as who we are or who we want to be we must know what we aren’t. We must know our strengths, weaknesses and not be ashamed of them but honest with ourselves about them. Life will easily teach us these things if we pay attention. Are you paying attention? When do you come alive, when do you feel drained, where do you feel celebrated and safe? Who feeds your light? Who do you judge? Do you share the qualities you don’t like in others? Ask yourself these questions and dig into your answers. Now digging in will feel abnormal at first but lean in anyways. Get uncomfortable now so you can start living. I previously went through life just moving. Focused on improving but my elevation was often based on my parents’ ideas and the definition of success I gathered from society. Work for the State, show up on time, promote and retire. Get married, have 2.5 children, and live in a little bubble. Keep your nails short and muted colors, no visible tattoos because people will judge you. Who Cares! Today I live my life based on who God made me to be. There is nothing muted about me. My presence is loud even when I’m silent, but I previously tried to turn that down. PLEASE DO NOT TURN YOURSELF DOWN.

I was so indecisive, so cautious to the point of when I wasn’t I was reckless, and neither was what I wanted. Now I pray for discernment and God’s will to be mine every single morning, then I move throughout my day trusting all my decisions. I redecorated my home to create an even doper vibe to thrive in. I’m declining good opportunities because they don’t align with my vision and now great, tailor made opportunities are presenting themselves. My stomach is getting flatter, my credit score is moving up and my hair is growing because now I’m paying attention. Bases Are Loaded! Oh, and men are popping up from the past like wildflowers, but the devil is a lie, lol, so I know my husband is coming soon. I also pray for my intentions daily because distractions will lead to another season of recovery, and we've had enough of that. Please don’t let another thing take you down a path you have zero interest in. Take it one step at a time. Remember our actions do affect others and if we aren’t walking in our purpose, we can hurt more than ourselves. All you must do is make it to first base for someone else to make it home and if you knock it out of the park everybody gets home.

So, let’s go. I have so much faith in you! Get back to your daily routine, be consistent. Welcome an abundance of love in your life through your actions and prayers. Share your desires with people, so they can show up for you. Know and respect your limits. Once we pay attention to who we are I promise all the opportunities will start lining up, just be sure to keep God first and do the work. I’m doing it. Will you join me? #SincerelyJam 


Fluent in music lyrics, movies quotes and love languages.


Girls Need Love


In Between Us