Sincerely, Jam

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Poetic Justice

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Poetic Justice.m4a

Tupac would be pissed at a lot of stuff right now. We’d have poetic lyrics full of passion over a dope ass beat. Or maybe he wouldn’t be bothered at all because with age comes change. The older I’ve gotten the less stuff bothers me. I guess things don't surprise me anymore or I shed some expectations… At first, I thought I was reverting to numbness, but not at all, I still cry at movies and during the Thanksgiving prayer, yet I’m at peace with things. With so much access to information and people in our hands the ability to communicate is vast but the quality of connection seems lost. People are communicating in this superficial way, blurting their feelings everywhere with little logic or truth. Truth is lost and I’m not sure what to do with that. 

Previously I would silence the noise, run to my bubble, ignore the outside, and play with my God babies. That was needed for those seasons but now is different, I’m different. When shedding we don’t know what's next. It’s extremely healthy to give ourselves the space to heal well and develop into whatever it is we need to be to make it to the other side so if that’s the season you are in, please steward that well. Give yourself time to unlearn, grow, and learn again, who you are, what you want, need, and love. If you’re like me cocooning is over and it’s time to stretch those new wings. Can you imagine a butterfly sashaying on the ground like a caterpillar or never leaving its chrysalis because it felt safest there? Silly right, to remain in a stage you were set free from because you're afraid to fly. Your instincts are tugging at you because you’re fighting against what you were born to do and Tupac for sure would be pissed about that. 

When we welcome our current season, we allow vulnerability to happen which creates confrontation. Confrontation often gets a negative rep but it’s a great thing. To confront problems, to communicate needs and values cultivates truth, honesty, and connection.

Then when you factor in empathy and grace, peace oozes out of everywhere, we get to bask in the margins and live in the hopes of things. This makes me remember that even if the truth is lost in the masses that ain’t got shit to do with me. I don’t have to concern myself with infection because I am infectious. I’m supposed to inspire! I’m a God-fearing woman, the masses are never my concern, so I must do my part while I have the chance to and trust the rest to Him. 

Connecting to ourselves allows true connection with all that surrounds us. Connectivity is our part in the grand scheme of things and to understand that we must practice self-awareness. Ask yourself questions. What do I want? WHY? Do I practice compassion? Does selfishness control my actions, or do I care about something bigger than myself? Am I kind? Am I gentle? Am I a safe space? What does my support system feel like? Am I connected to God? Do I search for wisdom or am I reckless? Honesty begets honesty. The more aware we become of ourselves the more aware we become of others. When you show yourself grace, you’ll extend more grace, you’ll receive more grace; when you're grateful, you’ll see more things to be grateful for. Life is as beautiful as we make it, it’s a mirror, and that my friends is poetic justice. #Sincerely Jam