

It’s 2025!!!!! Happy New Year Dolls! The last few weeks of 2024 felt so easy, so good and I think that’s the tone for 2025, so y'all know I got a word for you.


Reset, like rest with an extra e, lol. See resetting cannot be done in motion. Resetting is not a California roll it requires a pausing before we move forward. Do y’all hear me? Catch your breath. In 2025 we don’t wanna rush a thing. We are intentional and we must lock into the power of our intentionality. Over the weekend I watched Mufasa, the latest Lion King movie. Mufasa was born with power, not a title, not a status, his father wasn’t even a king. Mufasa was born into a family that loved him, that love was so intentional it was at the heart and soul of who he was. A storm separated him from his parents, and he got a little lost on his journey, yet he learned some things. He was adopted, he experienced discourse and betrayal, he had to pivot and maneuver in a way that he would not have if he never was lost but the sum of all of this developed the character of a King.

Walking into who we are born to be is not a rebirth, our life has given us knowledge and wisdom essential to what’s upon us, currently. Resetting is not a reversal or removal, it’s not a relapse, it’s very current with recognition of repair. There is no need to abandon the previous, there is no shame in getting things wrong or being lost, we own all of it, and all of us. Gather the mistakes and be intentional with your empathy, compassion, and grace. Practice accountability and forgiveness because of the past. Learn and grow from it and in this pause listen for the directions from those lessons before moving forward.

A pause can be a day, a week, a quarter of the year, or the entire year; it’s personal, between us and God, and the only requirement is we must be honest with ourselves. I suggest writing down who you are and what you want to let go of. Who you are is not who you want to be, who your parents want you to be, who you think your spouse or kids need you to be, nor who you want others to think you are, who are you really? Whoever that is, do you like them? Do you want your children to be friends with them or marry them? Is that who you were born to be, or did you get lost along the way? Honestly… Now write down what needs to be let go. That can be character flaws, careers, masks, or lies we’ve told ourselves or believed when others told us. We’ve all gotten things wrong multiple times so extend forgiveness to yourself, then reset. Permit yourself to fully show up as who God made you to be. Trust yourself, stay light on your feet, keep your boundaries in their proper place, allow love to lead you, and have a Happy New Year.💋

Sincerely, Jam


Fluent in music lyrics, movies quotes and love languages.

Poetic Justice