Fairy Tales


I believe in happily ever after. Yep, at 37 years old. I feel in my bones fairy tales do come true. Not the kind where Prince Charming comes and saves me. One, I’m grown I don’t want a prince I need a King and two because I’m already saved by the blood of Jesus, lol.

I believe in the kind of fairy tales where you don’t settle for mediocre or what the world knows as average. I believe in real magical relationships. Where all parties are committed to do the work. Life will make you think you can’t. Life will make you believe nobody will. People give up on each other now days like the bond or commitment was an inexpensive pair of shoes. No repair attempts to salvage it and it becomes a total loss in the blink of an eye. This goes for all relationships, romantic, familial, or plutonic friends. 

Being a domestic violence and abuse survivor, I could have remained broken and in need of major repair, but I refused to believe that was all my story entailed. It was only a part of the story. We write the book. We control the narrative. We cannot give up on love. Especially the love of self.

No love is perfect. I think that is where fairy tales get a bad rep, and some get the wrong idea. Happily ever after does not equate to perfect. It’s simply being happy with your results. Like love, everything worth having deserves focus and dedication. To do our best and get what we want it requires attention. My love for television and film has moved from spectator to participant and creator. I am publishing a memoir that will heal souls and books that will help children know who they are. I also started Opyn Book my nonprofit that helps youth in underserved communities heal from traumatic experiences through written and creative expression.

So, in order to set the proper pace I am shifting my focus and pausing blogging for now. Balance and showing up fully will make me happy with my results. Thank you immensely for rocking with me thus far. Please know we are not finished simply beginning the next chapter. My playlist will still be available and of course I will keep you informed on my latest projects, when my books release and when you subscribe to www.OpynBook.org you’ll be notified on those upcoming events as well. I am also just an email away and you can follow me on Instagram @SincerelyJamara.


Please re-read any prior post and reach out if you need a prayer. Until then I pray you continue to love yourself. You allow love and laughter to flow to and from you like the air you breathe. I pray you acknowledge your dopeness and allow God to use it for your best life. I pray your dreams come true and you dream some more. I pray mediocrity is your enemy, but consistency and dedication become your best friend. Until next time, go create your fairy tale.💋 #SincerelyJam


Fluent in music lyrics, movies quotes and love languages.



