

Sitting still is not my specialty. I was in a car accident and I’m healing but that’s a process. Like a real process. I’m independent, so as much as I could move on my own, I did. At first. At first, I pushed through the pain thinking the bruises would heal quickly and I’d be back to normal within days. Then, a couple of weeks in, I still couldn’t open my own water bottle, hold my phone for more than 30 secs or get it the bathtub with ease so I went from being physically uncomfortable to also being uncomfortable in my own abilities.  Do you know how frustrating it is to not be able to do normal, natural everyday things with ease, alone, in the midst of quarantine? Simultaneously I was mad with my frustrations because although my car is totaled, I have full coverage insurance, the

other party admitted fault and zero bones are broken. I am blessed. My ego still was bruised though. I cried reading the police report, I cried scheduling the MRIs. Then I was pissed I had to process another traumatic experience, like I was not ready nor in the mood, lol.

I just wanted to heal quickly. But real pain takes real work. Real healing, real love, real success. It all takes patience and work. I realized I’ve always preferred quickly but quickly rarely provided the best results. So, in this season, I received some much-needed clarity.

Patience is essential and the only thing I need to do quickly is find my joy. I did and it’s back but y’all, not being numb, allowing myself to feel ALL of my feelings was necessary but it was real work. By not ignoring the work I’m handling everything else like a champ. The work is necessary. Bypassing it only hinders us. We do not have to ignore anything that pains us. Acknowledgment is to respect the process and that’s a part of how we keep our joy. Joy allows us to experience pain and not be afflicted. Perspective. Temporary things do not take away who we permanently are or whose we permanently are.😇 I pray you allow your pain to process, no matter what it looks or feels like you do the work, have patience with yourself and that you follow your joy through to the other side. Quickly. #SincerelyJam

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Fairy Tales


Born Tired